IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! __________________________ Quick Colour Picker v2.0 By:Stephen A. G. Bissell Copyright(C)2003-2005 __________________________ Quick Colour Picker is currently under development. Any coments, bug finds, or suggestions, would be appreciated. Donations are welcome! All features origionally available in the Freeware only release are still available for free use. Current web address: Notes on Adobe PhotoShop use can be found in the Help file. -Interface colour note: The interface will take the colour of your currently selected Windows colour scheme. For example Win 98's default is Grey, WinXP default is cream or beige. Legend: ------- $ <- Only available in Registered (Pro) Version Program Changes --------------- Notes for v2.0.2.1 ------------------------------ *NEW* Minor Interface Changes to colour sliders. *NEW* Cursor Improvements *Fixed* WinXP Graphic Transparency issue With Col. Wheel. *Fixed Error when dragging colours in the text colourizer past the end of the list. --------------- Program History --------------- v2.0.2.0 ------------------------------ $*NEW* Default Directory can be changed. Right click load icon. $*NEW* Save settings as default. $*NEW* Colour Wheel $*NEW* Built in Websafe Palette $*NEW* Screen Portion Zoom for active pixel capture (Right click Colour Selector Preview Panel). $*NEW* Adjust multiple colours simultaneously. $*NEW* Copy colour list to the clip board as a bitmap from the colour adjustment window. $*NEW* Text Colourizer Preview in larger window option. $*NEW* 8 bit Unicode Chart (Right click Text Colourizer Preview window) $*NEW* Auto Load the last loaded file on program start $*NEW* Colour list import from Adobe Colour Swatch (.aco) file. V1 - RGB Supported only. $*NEW* Colour list export to Adobe Colour Swatch (.aco) file. $*NEW* Colour list export to Adobe Colour Table (.act) file. $*NEW* Colour list to HTML comment conversion. (Right Click colour list) $*NEW* Integrated Internet Explorer and Netscape Colour Names. *NEW* Progress bar while loading lists. v2.0.1.1 -Custom Hotkey for active pixel capture (default is now Alt+F8 or F8 For Future Pro version) -Drag .CDT file to program icon to load file on Quick Colour Picker startup. (CDT files can now be associated with Quick Colour Picker - see your Windows doc.) -Drag and drop CDT and LST files to program. -Internet Explorer and Netscape Colour CDT file. (143 Colours including HTML 3.2 Standard Names) -Changes made to Preset slider adjustments. v2.0.1.0 -Complimentary colour display and picker added. (right click the Colour Viewer title) -Colour intensity percent display (hold mouse over RGB and CMY decimal value entry) -Active pixel capture added. (right click the camera) Alt+F12 to grab colour. See the documentation for details. -Save list to HTML table. -Better support for unicode characters. (Single Byte Characters Only [0-255]) v2.0.0.3 -Right click menus no longer disable "Stay on Top" v2.0.0.2 -HSI Removed from HS menu. -Added Windows notification sound effects. BUG FIXES --------- v2.0.1.1 -Colour palette colour order (now clockwise) -Colour List Insert Function -HTML Colourizer minor Focusing problem -HTML Table code -HTML Unicode & function missing ";" fixed -File extension auto change -Colour Selection double click while auto copy selected (would not copy same colour as curent to clipboard - only became problem when using copy commands elsewhere then wanting to re-copy the current colour) -Active Pixel Capture issue. -Potential Crash when pressing certain keyboard keys on an empty list. -Potential Crash when trying to load a file that doesn't exist. v2.0.1.0 -CMY slidebar hints properly named. v2.0.0.4 -Other Stay On Top Issues resolved: Drop down Font box No image on Clipboard Dialogue Hint Dialogues v2.0.0.2 -Reduced flicker to stay on top when opening some dialogues. -Disabled more potentially hazardous tools while change name dialogue is open. -Fixed potential program crash from Windows common pallette. v2.0.0.1 -Fixed Stay on top issue -Fixed Colour list addition issue involving naming and adding at the same time. (no longer allowed). -Fixed Stay On Top issue with right click menus (now auto disables Stay on top to keep menus visible) -Fixed Debug button from appearing on file load. KNOWN ISSUES: ------------- -Exit dialogue purposly plays no sound. Questions?... Why doesn't quick colour picker allow lower case HEX values? Answer: It is mathematically incorrect to represent a HEX value using lower case letters. A lower case "e" for example is used in many math situations to indicate an "exponential" value. It is also possible by using lower case values that you may be indicating a number system which has exceeded the length of both our numeric and uppercase alphabetic character sets. The uppercase letters from A-F are an indication of a base 16 number set... Base 16: 0123456789ABCDEF Base 17: 0123456789ABCDEFG Base 42: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdef